All of our pupils, regardless of their learning needs are given a high level of pastoral and social support from the moment they enter school right through to when they leave. At ST. Mary’s, we focus on the emotional needs of a child because we understand that if a child is not in the right mental state, learning can’t happen.
As a small school, with small class sizes, our staff know our children very well and are able to identify any children who are having difficulties. Our Buddy system pairs new starters with older children who they come to know very well and support them throughout their transition.
We have a school counsellor who works with individual children and ‘drop in’ sessions are popular with children who feel that they need a familiar adult to share concerns with.
Interventions are planned for to support the emotional wellbeing of each child, including Listening Matters, Lego Therapy, Therapeutic Story writing and Social Stories. Circle Time activities based on Statements to Live By also deal with social and emotional difficulties.